About Us

Duffield Timber is a family owned timber importer based in Ripon, North Yorkshire.
We proudly boast over 60 years of trading and the continuing involvement of generations of the Duffield family. Based near Ripon, North Yorkshire, we are situated on a seven acre site close to the national motorway system and offer prompt delivery on our own lorries.
Our trading philosophy is based on traditional values coupled with innovation and investment in people. The maxim that if you ‘buy right’ you can ‘sell right’ is as true today as when it was first adopted, by our founder Robert Duffield, over 60 years ago.
We machine our cladding, decking and fencing products on-site, with all timber sustainably sourced from across the world.
Quality, value and sustainability are the watchwords of our purchasing practice and many miles are travelled and potential vendors evaluated before we make any purchase.
We're proud that the re-investment at our site is second to none in our industry. Modern sheds, handling equipment, mill machinery, computer systems, delivery vehicles and motivated, fully-trained staff are all testament to the hard work over the past decades.
"Our trading philosophy is based on traditional values coupled with innovation and investment in people."
We have a clear environmental policy: to put it simply, without trees we would have no industry. We also produce our own low carbon wood fuel alternatives at our briquetting factory and have over 500kWh of solar power generation on-site.
We are also an equal opportunity employer committed to our future place in the timber industry.
We wish to inform you of the dates that we shall be closing for holidays, these are as follows:
EASTER 5.00pm Thursday 28th March 8.00am Tuesday 2nd April
MAY DAY 4.30pm Friday 3rd May 8.00am Tuesday 7th May
SPRING 4:30pm Friday 24th May 8:00am Tuesday 28th May
AUGUST 4.30pm Friday 23rd August 8.00am Tuesday 27th
CHRISTMAS 4.30pm Friday 20th December 8.00am Thursday 2nd January 2025
RE & R Duffield & Sons Ltd, T/A Duffield Timber
Registered in England, Company Registration No. 1305703, VAT Registration No. 301 1004 54